Clinical Testing
After initial consultation, if necessary and agreed upon, I can recommend testing from the following laboratories to gather specific clinical data and monitor patent progress.
To proceed with the tests, full name, home address, email address, phone number and date of birth (DOB) are required for me to register you as my patient. The tests are then sent to your address, where you can perform the sample collection in the comfort of your own home.
You can return the sample(s) via UPS/DHL mailing services, Royal Mail as indicated on instructions in your test kit, or in person directly to the lab.
Complete instructions can be found inside your test kit and summarised to your right
For shipping to and from Europe, there is an additional fee (between 25-55£) for mailing, which will be indicated on your paperwork in your test kit.
Genova Diagnostics
G360 Stool Microbiome test
Metabolomix Test: oxidative stress and illness predisposition
Regenerus Labs
Send back to lab. Monday-Wednesday
DUTCH hormone test
Note 1: this test should be performed between days 19 and 22 of your menstrual cycle, though if this does not apply i.e. amenorrhea, anovulation, perimenopause (irregular pattern) or menopause, the test can be done on any day.
- If appropriate, stop supplementation 2 days before and during test. If you take tyrosine, L-Dopa, D,L-Phenylalanine (DLPA), mucuna or quercetin supplements, please let me know.
Liquid consumption:
- Avoid alcohol, caffeinated drinks and diuretic herbal teas.
- Try not to drink fluids for 2 hours before collecting, or keep under 32 oz, if possible.
- Avoid avocado, bananas and fava (broad) beans for 48 hours before collecting.
Collection days and times:
Sample 1 - Dinnertime 5pm .
Sample 2 - Bedtime Approximate 10pm.
Extra Overnight Sample - ONLY IF NECESSARY - Collect at your first waking sleep disturbance with urination* *If you wake and urinate a second time during the night, do NOT collect.
Wake/Rising - take sample within 10 minutes; Do not lay awake in bed before sample
Sample 3 - take 2-hrs After Waking (Tip: set a timer on your phone).
- If you happen to miss a collection, simply collect the sample as instructed the following day, as all samples do not need to be collected in one 24-hour period.
- Send back as soon as possible, maximum 7 days after collecting as validity is usually 10 days.
- If you are unable to urinate at the specific time, I suggest drinking some fluids and to go as soon as you are able.
Thyroid Monitor and Vitamin Home Test:
The Thyroid Profile analyses serum levels of TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Total T4, Total T3, Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (TPO), Thyroglobulin Antibodies (TGA), Reverse T3 (rT3), T3 Uptake and TSH Receptor Antibodies (TRAb), CRP, vitamin D3, and vitamin B12, excellent to couple with the Adrenal Corticoid test profile.
Notes: The addition of TRAB to the Thyroid Complete Profile offers the practitioner a way of distinguishing between Graves Disease and Hashimoto's.
1. Wash hands with warm water, dry and massage hands to increase blood flow.
2. Open Microtainer (stand upright and secure).
3. Select a fleshy finger tip and wipe the area with sterile wipe.
4. Prepare lancet (turn green tip and remove) and prick finger tip, then wipe again with the sterile wipe.
5. Massage finger downwards (not the tip), collecting blood in microtainer.
6. Repeat with additional lancets until sample is between the yellow lines. If the sample is not above the first yellow line, your sample will be rejected.
7. Secure lid fully.
8. Place back into Zip-Lock bag, close securely, and invert 6 times.
9. Complete the requisition form, and sign.
ALTERNATIVELY – Regenerus labs uses a supply the larger gold topped SST vial for a standard blood draw if you prefer to collect your sample using a phlebotomist, no centrifuge is required and return instructions remain the same.
Toxicity - Environmental Pollutants
The GPL-TOX screens for 172 different environmental pollutants using 18 different metabolites from a single urine sample including organophosphate pesticides, phthalates, benzene, xylene, vinyl chloride, pyrethroid, insecticides, acrylamide, perchlorate, diphenyl phosphate, ethylene oxide, acrylonitrile and more. The profile also includes Tiglylglycine (TG), a marker for mitochondrial disorders resulting from mutations of mitochondrial DNA. These mutations can be caused by exposure to toxic chemicals, infections, inflammation and nutritional deficiencies.
Heavy metal toxicity:
For the OAT, MOAT or Glyphosate test:
Apples, apple juice and products, Grapes, grape juice and products (including raisins) Pears, pear juice and products, Cranberries, cranberry juice and products, Reishi Mushrooms or Echinacea, Arabinogalactan or Ribose Supplements.
Minimum Requirement – 10ml per test
For the Mycotox test:
Items to discontinue 3 days before collection – Glutathione, Bentonite Clay or similar binders, Charcoal.
If you are taking mycophenolate mofetil (CellCept/Mycofortic) please be sure to check the appropriate box on the Test Requisition Form. Fasting 12 hours before collecting your sample may increase the level of detectable mycotoxins and improve the sensitivity of the test.
Minimum Requirement – 10ml
2. Collect your first urine specimen in the morning before eating or drinking.
- Females, please do not collect samples during menstruation.
- Pediatric collection bags are available upon request for children not potty trained to aid with collection.
- Please collect at least the minimum amount of urine required for the number of tests on your order. Collecting more than the minimum is recommended, but not required. Pour off anything above the 50mL indicator line (to prevent leaking once frozen).
3. Locate and complete the barcode sheet in your test kit. Place one barcode sticker on the collection sample. Be sure that the information is legible and, includes the collection date, and time, and that the name matches what was provided on the requisition form.
4. Place the collection cup and ice-pack in your freezer for at least 4 hours or until frozen (30 days maximum).
Check the box on the barcode label to indicate that the sample has been frozen.
5. Read and follow sipping instructions.
Doctor's Data
Andrenal Corticoids Test (Doctor's Data)
Collect urine in provided cups and use pipette or pour urine into properly labelled tube (name and date), discard remaining urine into the toilet.
Dinnertime (before eating, 3 hours after last urination): orange
Bedtime (last urination): blue
10-mins-upon-Awaking: pink
2-hours-Post-waking: green
Close tube after sample collection and rock gently.
Place urine tube in original plastic bag with absorbent paper and store in the freezer.
All urine samples should be stored in the freezer samples in the Zip-lock bag with ice pack.
Ensure samples have been in the freezer for at least 4-6 hours before shipping.
Complete requisition form, paperwork and patient survey.
Place all items in the insulated cooler inside the test kit cardboard box and replace the lid.
Place the paperwork inside the cardboard box and close the box.
Open the blue/grey bag and affix the provided UPS Prepaid label on the bag. Record the tracking number printed on the label if you want to track this delivery.
Nordic Labs
EU DNA and DUTCH hormone test variations